Espai TReS - Territori i responsabilitat social


Knowledge Area

Knowledge is to be generated and conveyed. At Espai TReS we do research in our areas of interest, and we also organize and participate in seminars, training courses and other events to share and spread our expertise.

Communication Area

We live in a society of communication. At Espai TReS we generate attractive contents and propose effective communication tools to show up the many sides of responsible land management, and to raise awareness and involve the public towards a culture of sustainability.

Participation Area

Participation enables the public and other stakeholders to intervene in matters of public interest. At Espai TReS we design and run tools to allow society influence the decisions that affect the landscape.


Strategy Area

Certain actions to encourage citizen engagement in responsible land management require strategic planning. At Espai TReS we diagnose the social and environmental reality of an area or of an organization and, thence, we propose strategies and actions.

About us

Espai TReS · Land and Social Responsibility is a team that designs and provides tools to involve public authorities, non-profit organizations, businesses and citizens towards a more responsible land management. [+]


Contact us

C. Numància 73 5è C
08029 Barcelona

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© 2011-2025 Espai TReS