Torrelodones is located near the Sierra de Guadarrama, , with an area of 21.68 km2 at 845 meters above sea level. Bordered to the North by Hoyo de Manzanares, to the South by the Rozas, to the West by Galapagar and East by Madrid. It is 29 km from the center of the capital connected by the A- 6 and rail.
Torrelodones is now a residential area of Madrid, like large residential low density suburban areas and well equipped on health services, education and trade, existing in other major European cities.
Espai TReS · Land and Social Responsibility is a team that designs and provides tools to involve public authorities, non-profit organizations, businesses and citizens towards a more responsible land management. [+]
C. Numància 73 5è C
08029 Barcelona