Tremp is the largest municipality in Catalonia, with an area of 302 km2 (30,199 hectares exactly) and 29 villages scattered throughout the territory. Tremp, chief administrative capital of the Pallars Jussà, houses the most of the muncipality's population.
One of the unique geographic remarks of Tremp is the great territorial discontinuity between their areas: The town of Tremp is surrounded by another municipality (Talarn), and so does Suterranya- Vilamitjana areas, Puigcercós and an area which is within the scope of the High Ribagorça. Furthermore, this large district is bordered by many municipal entities, with different regions and even with other regions: the Pallars Jussà borders the towns of Castell de Mur, Sant Esteve de la Sarga, Talarn and Salàs, in the High Ribagorça borders the town of Pont de Suert, and also limits the community of Aragon.
Its location in the Pyrenees makes Tremp enjoying a privileged natural environment, but also entails certain management and administrative challenges.
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