Espai TReS - Territori i responsabilitat social


ERF (Estudi Ramon Folch i Associats, SL)

ERF (Estudi Ramon Folch i Associats, SL)

ERF (Estudi Ramon Folch i Associats, SL) is a service company created in Barcelona in 1994 by Ramon Folch and Núria Doladé, continuing the professional task initiated in the early 1970s by its co-founder, the socio-ecologist Ramon Folch. ERF is a consultancy and workshop for socio-environmental projects, particularly in the areas of communication and territorial management.


About us

Espai TReS · Land and Social Responsibility is a team that designs and provides tools to involve public authorities, non-profit organizations, businesses and citizens towards a more responsible land management. [+]


Contact us

C. Numància 73 5è C
08029 Barcelona

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