Espai TReS - Territori i responsabilitat social


Institute for the Development and Promotion of the High Pyrenees and Aran

Institute for the Development and Promotion of the High Pyrenees and Aran

The Institute for the Development and Promotion of the High Pyrenees and Aran is an independent administrative body of the Government of Catalonia created by Law 28/2002.

Its mission is to promote the economic development of six regions: Alta Ribagorça, Alt Urgell, Cerdanya, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà and Val d'Aran and contribute to the development of spatial planning policies the Government of Catalonia, especially the Territorial Plan of the High Pyrenees and Aran.


About us

Espai TReS · Land and Social Responsibility is a team that designs and provides tools to involve public authorities, non-profit organizations, businesses and citizens towards a more responsible land management. [+]


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C. Numància 73 5è C
08029 Barcelona

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