Espai TReS - Territori i responsabilitat social


Fernando González Bernáldez Interuniversity Foundation for Natural Areas

Fernando González Bernáldez Interuniversity Foundation for Natural Areas

Fernando Gonzalez Bernáldez Interuniversity Foundation for Natural Areas is a university foundation created in 1996 by initiative of the University Complutense, Autónoma de Madrid and Alcalá and a group of teachers linked to the figure of Fernando González Bernáldez and the Departments of Ecology of these universities.

The purpose of the Foundation is to collect, disseminate and develop the legacy of Professor Fernando González Bernáldez, his triple commitment to ecological research, environmental education and nature conservation, from the rigor of scientific knowledge that was characteristic. Since its inception the Foundation activity has been characterized by building bridges between the area of ​​interdisciplinary knowledge and research from the biophysical and social sciences, which is proper for their home universities and science, and the professional world, practical and applied conservation of biodiversity and essential ecological processes of natural systems in general and especially protected natural areas.


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Espai TReS · Land and Social Responsibility is a team that designs and provides tools to involve public authorities, non-profit organizations, businesses and citizens towards a more responsible land management. [+]


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