Espai TReS - Territori i responsabilitat social

Mission and values

At Espai TReS we dream of a society in harmony with its environment. So our reason for being, our mission statement is to facilitate and encourage individuals and society to get actively involved in a more responsible land management as part of a culture of sustainability.

"The values that serve as antidotes to today's unsustainable dynamics are the same values that contribute to true personal happiness and social cohesion. Therefore, we don't need to choose amongst environmental sustainability, social harmony and personal fulfillment. We are at a historic junction where everything that contributes to social and ecological responsibility, also contributes to personal satisfaction."

Jordi Pigem, philosopher (Qüestió de valors, Ed. 3i4, p. 86)

Our inspiring and action values are:

  • Motivation: we work with drive, enthusiasm and joy.
  • Commitment: We believe in the cause for which we work and we implement it in our daily lives.
  • Empathy: we listen and understand the needs of our customers and the land itself.
  • Curiosity: we like to explore new territories and new projects.
  • Creativity: we seek innovative ways to solve new or difficult situations.
  • Learning: we are constantly open to new knowledge.
  • Synergy: we stand for teamworking and networking, because sharing efforts provides better results.

We implement social responsibility in our daily life. In this regard, we give regular support to initiatives of environmental involvement, such as Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori, an organization of which we are founding members. We are also aware of the impact of our daily activities, so we work with Triodos Bank and commit to close dealers and implement sustainability criteria. We sponsor the Selvans Program promoted by Acciónatura.

Espai TReS. Tools to involve society towards a more responsible land management.

About us

Espai TReS · Land and Social Responsibility is a team that designs and provides tools to involve public authorities, non-profit organizations, businesses and citizens towards a more responsible land management. [+]


Contact us

C. Numància 73 5è C
08029 Barcelona

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© 2011-2025 Espai TReS